Deploying SIR Automatically

If you want, you can deploy SIR automatically. If you prefer to do it manually go to the section Deploying SIR Manually.


SIR will use the same HTTP and application server than EOS’ eAPI so make sure it’s running.


To install SIR and all of its dependencies automatically we are going to use EOS extensions (SWIX packages). This will allow us to deploy all the files and do some post-install operations like reconfigure the HTTP/application servers, start pmacct, initialize the database, etc. Everything is done automatically so sit back and enjoy : )

First, let’s get the extensions (make sure you are getting the latest versions, check the releases in the github page):

# Get into the management VRF if needed
peer00.lab#routing-context vrf mgmtVRF
peer00.lab(vrf:mgmtVRF)#copy extension:
Copy completed successfully.
peer00.lab(vrf:mgmtVRF)#copy extension:
Copy completed successfully.

Now we just have to install the extensions:

peer00.lab(vrf:mgmtVRF)#extension sir-0.17-1.noarch.swix
peer00.lab(vrf:mgmtVRF)#extension pmacct_sir-0.1-1.noarch.swix
peer00.lab(vrf:mgmtVRF)#show extensions
Name                                       Version/Release           Status extension
------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------ ----
pmacct_sir-0.1-1.noarch.swix               0.1/1                     A, I      1
sir-0.17-1.noarch.swix                     0.17/1                    A, I      1

A: available | NA: not available | I: installed | NI: not installed | F: forced

And that’s it!


If you reboot your switch the changes will be lost. To make them permanent execute copy installed-extensions boot-extensions